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nafim talukder


is a fading recollection of a surreal

evening with an old friend in my decaying home town

is a fading recollection of a surreal

evening with an old friend in my decaying home town

is a fading recollection of a surreal

evening with an old friend in my decaying home town

is a fading recollection of a surreal evening with an old friend in my decaying hometown

is a fading recollection of a surreal evening with an old friend in my decaying hometown

Desiderium [des-i-deer-ee-uhm]:an ardent longing; as for something lost

A hometown is a big part of many people's identity. Yet, there is a point in many young adults' lives where their home no longer feels the same way it once did. A husk of what it used to be, gone is the comfort of familiarity; all that remains are the warm memories of youth. In September 2019, I spent an evening with an old friend in my deteriorating hometown. As we wandered somber streets, I felt something amiss in the place I had always called home. And within me arose a feeling, the closest word to which I can attribute is: desiderium.